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WORKSHOPS - Career Development

Community & Career Development Workshops


Managing Yourself, Time, and Workspace

Time Management is not a time management issue; it is a goal clarification and prioritization issue. The quantity of time will not change. There are always sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, and twenty-four hours in a day. Time Management is typically a symptom of a lack of clarification and prioritization. Dynamic Visions helps individuals to overcome procrastination, effectively prioritize, and invest time wisely.


The First Step to Great Leadership – Creating a compelling vision

Do you have a clear, concise, and energizing vision? If you could exploit your strengths and overcome your weaknesses better than your competitors, what would it mean to your future? Find out how in this interactive and dynamic program. The Real Leadership Challenge – Getting and Maintaining Peak Performance


The Real Leadership Challenge – Getting and Maintaining Peak Performance

Do you realize your potential? How about the other people on your team? Learn simple and powerful ways that you can take your leadership to the next level.


How to Outperform and Outlast the Competition – Embracing Change and Thriving

Change or die. Today, the spoils and riches go to those people and organizations that can consistently adapt to new and better ways of doing things. Whether it's embracing technology, responding to competition, penetrating new markets, or finding better ways to serve customers, the winner has discovered the secrets of getting results.

Sign-up today for this economically friendly offer!
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